In many ways this is a typical Perpendicular window and, set in
the honey-coloured stone of the south wall, is perhaps the most
attractive of the five to be seen at this church.
With its five lights with trefoiled heads, it matches to some
extent the three neighbouring Decorated windows, but the tracery is
a complete contrast. There are ten half-lights formed by nine
mullions, five of which split into Y-tracery at the top.
There are three short transoms in the tracery, the upper one
carrying decorative crenellations.
The puzzling thing about this window is its position. The styles
of all the other windows show clearly the progression of the
rebuilding programme, proceeding anti-clockwise, starting and
finishing on the north side. But this window is flanked by the
Early Gothic south porch and three Intersecting windows on one side
and three Decorated windows on the other. We do not know how it has
come about that this Perpendicular window is completely 'out of