A church, dedicated to St. Wulfram, has been on this site for
about 1000 years.
We do not know what the first, Saxon, church looked like. Grantham
was a Royal manor, the Queen being Lord of the Manor. Queen Editha,
wife of Edward the Confessor, took an interest in the church.
The Domesday Book, 1086, records the church of St. Wulfram. In the
1100s a larger stone church was built: part of this is clearly
visible in the building today.
In 1222 lightning caused an extensive fire, destroying part of the
Expansion took place in several phases, including the tower and
spire started in 1280, the Lady Chapel 1350, finally the Corpus
Christi chapel in the 1480s and the St. Kathryn chapel in
The exterior today would be instantly recognisable to a Granthamian
of 1500.
Of particular importance are the magnificent and lofty tower and
spire, the Trigge Library, of 1598, still in its original position
and still having many chains attached to original books, the stone
heads: and so much more. This website will give you glimpses of our
heritage. You will see why we value this Glory of Grantham so
Building Development
Nothing remains of the earliest church - Saxon or
earlier. Here is a representation of the development of
the church, in diagrammatic form, based on evidence still
Victorian Restoration
Like many churches, St. Wulfram's was in sore need of
repair in the 19th century particularly the roofs: Sir
George Gilbert Scott was commissioned to repair the
church. In the main he restored, rather than stamping
his own style on the building.
St Wulfram
The reason for the dedication to St. Wulfram is uncertain
- he was a Frenchman, appointed archbishop of Sens before giving
this up to work to convert the heathen Frisians. Only
two churches in England are dedicated to him, and that at Abbeville
in Normandy.