Of nearly identical design, there are three of these windows on
either side of the North Porch. George Gilbert Scott, who was
responsible for the restoration of the church in the 1860s,
described them as "noble windows of four lights, and with fine
geometrical tracery".
Within the window arch are two half-sized sub-arches together
with the four quarter-sized arches at the heads of the lights.
Two circles exactly fit the spaces underneath the sub-arches;
and one circle of twice the diameter fits the space above the
sub-arches. Quatrefoils decorate the smaller circles whilst the
crowning circle contains a sexfoil. The result of this arrangement
is a simple but harmonious composition, a 'classic' example of pure
Geometrical tracery.
Comparisons have been made between the design of this set of
windows and similar tracery at the cathedrals of Lincoln (Angel
Choir 1256-1280) and Salisbury (Chapter House and Cloister c.1260).
Since St.Wulfram's church has historic connections with both
cathedrals, either is possible as a source of influence.