There are 14 bells in St.
Wulfram's church tower:
- The oldest is the ting tang, the Sanctus bell, given in 1674 by
Ann, widow of the Revd. Hurst chaplain to Charles I. This
hangs in the green room above the bell chamber
- The original ring of 10 cast in 1946 with a tenor 32 cwt 1 qtr
11 lbs. in C#
- A light ring of 8 bells with a tenor of 10 cwt 1 qtr 11 lbs in
- A "Jubilee Bell" cast in the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Year in
2012 and hung in the tower in 2013.
In 1946 all the bells were removed when the top of the spire was
rebuilt; they were recast by Taylors of Loughborough
The two trebles were added in 2003, cast by Taylors of
Loughborough. The Jubilee bell was also cast by Taylor's of
The "Jubilee Bell" now allows for a peal of 12 bells to be

The Jubilee Bell
"Ring Out Wild Bells" Church Bells of
Lincolnshire by Cantoris.
Available from the Lincoln Cathedral Shop price £12.00
Details from